266 lines
10 KiB
266 lines
10 KiB
\usepackage[top=0pt, bottom=0pt, left=0pt, right=0pt]{geometry}
% Draw the grid
\draw[step=1mm, \mycolor,line width=0.1pt] (0,0) grid (\xmax,\ymax);
\draw[step=0.5cm,\mycolor,line width=0.3pt ] (0,0) grid (\xmax,\ymax);
\draw[step=1cm, \mycolor,line width=0.6pt ] (0,0) grid (\xmax,\ymax);
% Draw the first line
\draw[\mycolor, line width=0.9pt] (0,0) -- (0,\ymax);
\foreach \z in {0,...,\repM}{
\pgfmathsetmacro\xwidth {\xmax/\rep}
% Draw the main lines
\draw[\mycolor, line width=0.9pt] ({\xoffset + \xwidth},0) -- ({\xoffset + \xwidth},\ymax);
% Draw the secondary lines
\draw[\mycolor, line width=0.6pt] ({\xoffset + 0.5*\xwidth},0) -- ({\xoffset + 0.5*\xwidth},\ymax);
% Draw the subdivision lines
\foreach \y in {1,...,\subdivM}{
\draw[\mycolor, line width=0.1pt] ({\xoffset + \y*\xwidth/\subdiv},0) -- ({\xoffset + \y*\xwidth/\subdiv},\ymax);
% Draw the first line
\draw[\mycolor, line width=0.9pt] (0,0) -- (\xmax,0);
\foreach \z in {0,...,\repM}{
\pgfmathsetmacro\xwidth {\ymax/\rep}
% Draw the main lines
\draw[\mycolor, line width=0.9pt] (0,{\xoffset + \xwidth}) -- (\xmax,{\xoffset + \xwidth});
% Draw the secondary lines
\draw[\mycolor, line width=0.6pt] (0,{\xoffset + 0.5*\xwidth}) -- (\xmax,{\xoffset + 0.5*\xwidth});
% Draw the subdivision lines
\foreach \y in {1,...,\subdivM}{
\draw[\mycolor, line width=0.1pt] (0,{\xoffset + \y*\xwidth/\subdiv}) -- (\xmax,{\xoffset + \y*\xwidth/\subdiv});
% Draw the first line
\draw[\mycolor, line width=0.9pt] (0,0) -- (0,\ymax);
\foreach \z in {0,...,\repM}{
\pgfmathsetmacro\width {\xmax/\rep}
\foreach \x in {#4}{
% Draw the main + secondary lines
\draw[\mycolor, line width=0.9pt] ({\offset + log10(\x)*\width},0) node[anchor=north] {\tiny $\x$} -- ({\offset + log10(\x)*\width},\ymax);
\draw[\mycolor, line width=0.6pt] ({\offset + log10(\x-0.5)*\width},0) -- ({\offset + log10(\x-0.5)*\width},\ymax);
% Draw the subdivision lines (10)
\foreach \y in {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}{
\draw[\mycolor, line width=0.1pt] ({\offset + log10(\x-1)*\width + \y*log10((\x-0.5)/(\x-1))/10*\width},0) -- ({\offset + log10(\x-1)*\width + \y*log10((\x-0.5)/(\x-1))/10*\width},\ymax);
\draw[\mycolor, line width=0.1pt] ({\offset + log10(\x-0.5)*\width + \y*log10((\x)/(\x-0.5))/10*\width},0) -- ({\offset + log10(\x-0.5)*\width + \y*log10((\x)/(\x-0.5))/10*\width},\ymax);
\foreach \x in {#5}{
% Draw the main + secondary lines
\draw[\mycolor, line width=0.9pt] ({\offset + log10(\x)*\width},0) node[anchor=north] {\tiny $\x$} -- ({\offset + log10(\x)*\width},\ymax);
\draw[\mycolor, line width=0.6pt] ({\offset + log10(\x-0.5)*\width},0) -- ({\offset + log10(\x-0.5)*\width},\ymax);
% Draw the subdivision lines (5)
\foreach \y in {1,2,3,4}{
\draw[\mycolor, line width=0.1pt] ({\offset + log10(\x-1)*\width + \y*log10((\x-0.5)/(\x-1))/5*\width},0) -- ({\offset + log10(\x-1)*\width + \y*log10((\x-0.5)/(\x-1))/5*\width},\ymax);
\draw[\mycolor, line width=0.1pt] ({\offset + log10(\x-0.5)*\width + \y*log10((\x)/(\x-0.5))/5*\width},0) -- ({\offset + log10(\x-0.5)*\width + \y*log10((\x)/(\x-0.5))/5*\width},\ymax);
\foreach \x in {#6}{
% Draw the main lines
\draw[\mycolor, line width=0.9pt] ({\offset + log10(\x)*\width},0) node[anchor=north] {\tiny $\x$} -- ({\offset + log10(\x)*\width},\ymax);
% Draw the subdivision lines (10)
\foreach \y in {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}{
\draw[\mycolor, line width=0.1pt] ({\offset + log10(\x-1)*\width + \y*log10((\x)/(\x-1))/10*\width},0) -- ({\offset + log10(\x-1)*\width + \y*log10((\x)/(\x-1))/10*\width},\ymax);
\foreach \x in {#7}{
% Draw the main lines
\draw[\mycolor, line width=0.9pt] ({\offset + log10(\x)*\width},0) node[anchor=north] {\tiny $\x$} -- ({\offset + log10(\x)*\width},\ymax);
% Draw the subdivision lines (5)
\foreach \y in {1,2,3,4}{
\draw[\mycolor, line width=0.1pt] ({\offset + log10(\x-1)*\width + \y*log10((\x)/(\x-1))/5*\width},0) -- ({\offset + log10(\x-1)*\width + \y*log10((\x)/(\x-1))/5*\width},\ymax);
% Draw the first line
\draw[\mycolor, line width=0.9pt] (0,0) -- (\xmax,0);
\foreach \z in {0,...,\repM}{
\pgfmathsetmacro\width {\ymax/\rep}
\foreach \x in {#4}{
% Draw the main + secondary lines
\draw[\mycolor, line width=0.9pt] (0,{\offset + log10(\x)*\width}) node[anchor=east] {\tiny $\x$} -- (\xmax,{\offset + log10(\x)*\width});
\draw[\mycolor, line width=0.6pt] (0,{\offset + log10(\x-0.5)*\width}) -- (\xmax,{\offset + log10(\x-0.5)*\width});
% Draw the subdivision lines (10)
\foreach \y in {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}{
\draw[\mycolor, line width=0.1pt] (0,{\offset + log10(\x-1)*\width + \y*log10((\x-0.5)/(\x-1))/10*\width}) -- (\xmax,{\offset + log10(\x-1)*\width + \y*log10((\x-0.5)/(\x-1))/10*\width});
\draw[\mycolor, line width=0.1pt] (0,{\offset + log10(\x-0.5)*\width + \y*log10((\x)/(\x-0.5))/10*\width}) -- (\xmax,{\offset + log10(\x-0.5)*\width + \y*log10((\x)/(\x-0.5))/10*\width});
\foreach \x in {#5}{
% Draw the main + secondary lines
\draw[\mycolor, line width=0.9pt] (0,{\offset + log10(\x)*\width}) node[anchor=east] {\tiny $\x$} -- (\xmax,{\offset + log10(\x)*\width});
\draw[\mycolor, line width=0.6pt] (0,{\offset + log10(\x-0.5)*\width}) -- (\xmax,{\offset + log10(\x-0.5)*\width});
% Draw the subdivision lines (5)
\foreach \y in {1,2,3,4}{
\draw[\mycolor, line width=0.1pt] (0,{\offset + log10(\x-1)*\width + \y*log10((\x-0.5)/(\x-1))/5*\width}) -- (\xmax,{\offset + log10(\x-1)*\width + \y*log10((\x-0.5)/(\x-1))/5*\width});
\draw[\mycolor, line width=0.1pt] (0,{\offset + log10(\x-0.5)*\width + \y*log10((\x)/(\x-0.5))/5*\width}) -- (\xmax,{\offset + log10(\x-0.5)*\width + \y*log10((\x)/(\x-0.5))/5*\width});
\foreach \x in {#6}{
% Draw the main lines
\draw[\mycolor, line width=0.9pt] (0,{\offset + log10(\x)*\width}) node[anchor=east] {\tiny $\x$} -- (\xmax,{\offset + log10(\x)*\width});
% Draw the subdivision lines (10)
\foreach \y in {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}{
\draw[\mycolor, line width=0.1pt] (0,{\offset + log10(\x-1)*\width + \y*log10((\x)/(\x-1))/10*\width}) -- (\xmax,{\offset + log10(\x-1)*\width + \y*log10((\x)/(\x-1))/10*\width});
\foreach \x in {#7}{
% Draw the main lines
\draw[\mycolor, line width=0.9pt] (0,{\offset + log10(\x)*\width}) node[anchor=east] {\tiny $\x$} -- (\xmax,{\offset + log10(\x)*\width});
% Draw the subdivision lines (5)
\foreach \y in {1,2,3,4}{
\draw[\mycolor, line width=0.1pt] (0,{\offset + log10(\x-1)*\width + \y*log10((\x)/(\x-1))/5*\width}) -- (\xmax,{\offset + log10(\x-1)*\width + \y*log10((\x)/(\x-1))/5*\width});
% Draw the border
\draw[\mycolor, line width=0.9pt,name path global=border] (\xmin,\ymin) rectangle (\xmax,\ymax);
\clip (\xmin,\ymin) rectangle (\xmax,\ymax);
% Draw the cross
\draw[\mycolor, line width=0.9pt] (-0.15,0) -- (0.15,0);
\draw[\mycolor, line width=0.9pt] (0,-0.15) -- (0,0.15);
% Draw the circles
\draw[\mycolor, line width=0.9pt] (0,0) circle (0.2);
\foreach \x in {1,...,25}{
% Main
\draw[\mycolor, line width=0.9pt] (0,0) circle (\x);
% Subdivision
\foreach \y in {1,...,4}{
\draw[\mycolor, line width=0.1pt] (0,0) circle (\x - \y/5);
% Draw the radial lines
\foreach \x in {0,10,...,360}{
% Main
\draw[\mycolor, line width=0.9pt,name path global=\x] (\x:0.2) -- (\x:25);
% Secondary
\draw[\mycolor, line width=0.6pt] (\x + 5:1) -- (\x + 5:2);
% Subdivision
\foreach \y in {2,4,...,8}{
\draw[\mycolor, line width=0.1pt] (\x + \y:2) -- (\x + \y:4);
% Secondary + Subdivision
\draw[\mycolor, line width=0.6pt] (\x + 5:4) -- (\x + 5:25);
\foreach \y in {1,...,9}{
\draw[\mycolor, line width=0.1pt] (\x + \y:4) -- (\x + \y:25);
% Draw the text
\foreach \x in {0,10,...,50}{
\draw[\mycolor, name intersections={of={\x} and border, by={first intersect}}] (first intersect) node[anchor=west] {\tiny $\x$°};
\foreach \x in {60,70,...,120}{
\draw[\mycolor, name intersections={of={\x} and border, by={first intersect}}] (first intersect) node[anchor=south] {\tiny $\x$°};
\foreach \x in {130,140,...,230}{
\draw[\mycolor, name intersections={of={\x} and border, by={first intersect}}] (first intersect) node[anchor=east] {\tiny $\x$°};
\foreach \x in {240,250,...,300}{
\draw[\mycolor, name intersections={of={\x} and border, by={first intersect}}] (first intersect) node[anchor=north] {\tiny $\x$°};
\foreach \x in {310,320,...,350}{
\draw[\mycolor, name intersections={of={\x} and border, by={first intersect}}] (first intersect) node[anchor=west] {\tiny $\x$°};
} |