2012-09-30 21:24:26 +02:00
# Inspired by http://youinfinitesnake.blogspot.ch/2011/02/attractive-scientific-plots-with.html
# and http://www.gnuplotting.org/why-you-should-upgrade-to-gnuplot-4-4-3/
set terminal epslatex size 5.8,4.1 color colortext 'phv,9' header '\definecolor{t}{rgb}{0.5,0.5,0.5}'
set format '\color{t}$%g$'
2012-10-20 11:06:59 +02:00
set output 't-h.tex'
2012-09-30 21:24:26 +02:00
2012-10-20 11:06:59 +02:00
# define axis
# remove border on top and right and set color to gray
set style line 11 lc rgb '#808080' lt 1
set border 3 back ls 11
set tics nomirror
# define grid
set style line 12 lc rgb '#808080' lt 0 lw 1
set grid back ls 12
2012-09-30 21:24:26 +02:00
set style line 1 linetype 1
set style line 2 linetype 1
set style line 1 linetype rgb '#A00000' linewidth 2 pointtype 7
set style line 2 linetype rgb '#00A000' linewidth 2 pointtype 9
set size 1,1
set origin 0,0
set xlabel 'Température'
set ylabel 'Humidité'
2012-10-20 11:06:59 +02:00
plot 'T-H.TSV' using 3:6:1 title 'Hr [\%]' with points linestyle 1, \
'T-H.TSV' using 3:6:1 title 'Hr moyen [\%]' smooth unique with linespoints linestyle 2
2012-09-30 21:24:26 +02:00
set output